Monday, February 7, 2011

Since the Holidays...

We've been enjoying the downtime after the holidays, including all our snow days--we're up to six!  Unless the law changes, we'll be making up three of those...but I have to admit that it's always nice to get that early morning call, turn off the alarm  and roll back over to fall asleep under the electric blanket!  Although, I definitely have to say that I have had enough of winter.  I hope that the groundhog is right and spring will be here soon!

Jay's parents, Mamaw and Papaw Printz as Lily calls them, were in town this past weekend to celebrate Jay's birthday this week.  We had a delicious dinner at the White House Inn on Saturday night.  My parents came, as well as Tracy and Brian, so luckily we got a private room and Lily had space to wander around when she got tired of sitting still :)  Sunday was the Super Bowl, and we watched the game at Tracy and Brian's house with lots of great snacks and a HUGE, extremely delicious chocolate cake from Costco--yum!!!  I didn't care who won the game, the commercials weren't too funny this year, Christina Aguilera botched the words to the national anthem and the Black Eyed Peas gave a terrible half-time show performance...but we had a great time, anyway!  Lily spent the time, eating, eating, playing with dolls, and eating.  Over the last few months, she has really turned into a little girl (with tons of energy, as usual)--check her out reading and singing:

Brown Bear, Brown Bear
Jingle Bells