Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for Jay and I. We are so blessed and lucky that my mom watches our girls. I've never had to worry for a second. I missed my girls today, but I always know they're in good hands!

When I picked them up, Lily had found one of my old dance costumes ;)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Last Weekend of Summer

We've been trying to make the most of our last weekend of summer, since it's back to school tomorrow. We spent some time at Parky's Farm yesterday. Then Tracy and Brian watched the girls while we had a dinner date. They went to Cracker Barrel to see Hope on her first night as a waitress! We went to the Polo Grille--yum! Thanks Tracy & Bri!!!

Today we went to the St. John's festival with my parents, my brothers and their families. We had yummy chicken dinner, then the kids enjoyed some rides and games. It was a good time and the weather was fantastic all weekend. Now it's back to reality tomorrow. Happy school year!

Friday, August 17, 2012

A Year in a Blurb

Wow--this time I've out-done myself. It's been a whole year without a blog entry! I'm hoping to be better about posting, so to get caught up I'm going to breeze through the highlights of the past 12 months. Hold on tight :)

After my last post, my ninth year of teaching began. Lily turned three in October. I continued to get larger and larger, being pregnant. Since I was no longer able to travel, the entire Printz clan came to Cincinnati for Thanksgiving!! Then on December 4th, 2011 we welcomed our newest edition, Elaina (Lanie) Violet. She was in a hurry to get here--my entire labor lasted less than six hours!! My water broke, we dropped Lily off with my mom, got to the hospital at 8:30 am and she was born at 9:40 am!! Needless to say there was no pain medication involved, but I will say I did enjoy being up and around so quickly because there was no epidural involved!

The rest of the past 8 months is a blur! I can't believe Lanie is so big already (forgot to mention she was born 8 lb 7 oz ;). We got home from the hospital, had Christmas somewhere in there, and I went back to work the last day of January. My mom (who is a saint) watched the girls...and my older brother's two kids...and my younger brother's son. Did I mention Lily is the oldest of all?? My mom deserves a medal... And so do my aunt and grandma who helped her!

Next we made it through spring break and Easter. We got out of school earlier than we ever have since I started teaching--before Memorial Day (which we were ready for since we didn't have a single snow day all year!!!!). This summer has been
busy with projects around the house and traveling to Michigan and Chicago to see family. Now we head back to school on Monday. This is already my tenth year of teaching! I'm starting to feel old since my students are now old enough to be teachers themselves!!

I do have to say I'm ready for more of a routine--but I'm not really looking forward to always going, going, going and feeling utterly exhausted all the time. Oh well--here's to my last weekend of freedom and a good school year. Lily starts preschool this year and will be taking dance class. She's so excited! We'll be busy :). Hopefully I'll find time to blog again before next August!!!